AntomPay 网络概述
AntomPay 网络是一个基于灵活多重签名的分层通道支付网络,采用现有成熟技术,原理简单,设计简洁,基于 AntomPay 网络可以轻松可靠地实现数字货币。

AntomPay 产品应用

AntomPay 移动钱包是基于 AntomPay 技术和通用地址的颠覆性区块链钱包。它面向个人用户。AntomPay 提供 DAPP 钱包。AntomPay 移动钱包专为加密数字行业用户打造。它基于 AntomPay 技术和通用地址。

AntomPay 区块链技术

AntomPay 区块链技术: 利用多重签名技术建立交易通道,实现媲美闪电网络的超快交易。AntomPay技术的核心是通过多重签名技术实现超快交易,比零确认更安全,比闪电网络更简单可行。

令牌名称: ATPT 代币总量: 5 亿 代币分配计划: IDO:10%,通过市场IDO产出,无需锁仓,上线前全部释放。 社区基金会: 5%,锁仓6个月,6个月后基金会代表公开使用细节。 技术团队: 5%,锁仓 3 年,之后每年释放 1%,直至释放完毕。 空投:1%,在线货币的 0.5%,在线发布后释放 0.5%。 挖矿:79%,全球共识用户挖矿,预计10年内挖完。

AutomPay 项目的成功推进得益于一支由金融和技术领域资深专家组成的优秀团队。这些团队成员不仅在各自领域拥有丰富的专业知识和经验,而且在推动项目实现关键里程碑方面发挥了重要作用。
Steve: CEO
毕业于新加坡南洋商学院银行与金融专业。在转行从事加密货币业务之前,史蒂夫曾担任一家进出口贸易公司的总经理,该公司收入达 5000 万美元。史蒂夫还是 Reddit 比特币社区的活跃成员。
Matt: COO
Matt 在市场营销、区块链和业务开发方面拥有 12 年的运营经验。目前,Matt 主要负责区块链项目的运营孵化和区块链底层架构技术的安全性评估。在加入双子星螺旋之前,Matt 是新加坡知名金融机构华侨银行的运营总经理。
TEO 在软件工程和区块链技术领域拥有 10 多年的经验。作为一名技术专家,他曾在一家专门从事物联网的计算机和软件服务公司工作。同时,TEO 还是新加坡区块链协会会员,25 岁时开始从事区块链和支付领域的工作。
Janice: CFO
毕业于新加坡一所公立大学,获得工商管理硕士学位。在加入双子星螺旋之前,Janice 曾在新加坡知名金融机构大华银行担任总会计师。此前,她还担任过美国 Globespan 集团(亚太地区)的财务副总监。Janice 在财务领域拥有超过 10 年的工作经验,足迹遍布新加坡和美国等世界主要地区。
© 2024 AntomPay. All rights reserved.
AntomPay Network Overview

AntomPay network,is a layered channel payment network based on flexible multiple signatures, using the existing mature technology, simple principle, simple design, based on AntomPay Network can easily and reliably realize the digital currency.

AntomPay Product Application
AntomPay mobile wallet is a disruptive blockchain wallet based on AntomPay technology and universal address. It is aimed at individual users. AntomPay provides DAPP wallet. AntomPay mobile wallet is specially built for users in the encrypted digital industry. It is based on AntomPay technology and universal address.

AntomPay Blockchain Technology

AntomPay blockchain technology: Use multi-signature technology to establish transaction channels and achieve ultra-fast transactions comparable to the Lightning Network. The core of AntomPay technology is to achieve ultra-fast transactions through multi-signature technology, which is more secure than zero confirmation, and is simpler and more feasible than the Lightning Network.

Token Economy Model
Token Name: ATPT
Total Tokens: 500 Million

Token Distribution Plan:
IDO: 10%, through the market IDO output, without lock warehouse, all released before the line.
Community Foundation: 5%, locked up for 6 months, after which the foundation representative disclosed the details of the use.
Technical Team: 5%, locked up for 3 years, and then release 1% every year until the release.
Air Drop: 1%, 0.5% of the online money, 0.5% after the online release.
Mining: 79%, mined by global consensus users, is expected to be excavated within 10 years.
Team Introduction

The successful advancement of our AutomPay project is due to an outstanding team of senior experts in the fields of finance and technology. These team members not only have extensive expertise and experience in their respective fields, but also play a vital role in driving the project to reach key milestones.
Steve: CEO
Graduated from Nanyang Business School in Singapore with a degree in Banking and Finance. Steve once served as the General Manager of an import and export trading company, with a revenue of $50 million, before switching to cryptocurrency business. Steve is also an active member of the Reddit Bitcoin community.
Matt: COO
Matt has 12 years of operational experience in marketing, blockchain, and business development. At present, Matt focuses on the operation incubation of blockchain projects and the evaluation of the security of blockchain underlying architecture technology. Before joining the Gemini Spiral, Matt was the General Manager of Operations at the well-known financial institution Overseas Chinese Bank in Singapore.
TEO has over 10 years of experience in software engineering and blockchain technology. As a technical expert, he worked at a computer and software services company specializing in the Internet of Things. At the same time, TEO is also a member of the Singapore Blockchain Association and began operating in the blockchain and payment fields at the age of 25.
Janice: CFO
Graduated from a public university in Singapore and obtained an MBA degree. Before joining the Gemini Spiral, Janice worked as the Chief Accountant at the well-known financial institution in Singapore, Dahua Bank. Earlier, she also served as the Deputy Director of Finance for Globespan Group (Asia Pacific region) in the United States. Janice has over 10 years of work experience in the finance field, with locations throughout major regions around the world such as Singapore and the United States.
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